Friday, February 26, 2010

The Nightmare on Elm Street 2.0 trailer

Although this trailer for the sh!tty remake of The Nightmare on Elm Street is better than the teaser that was released a few months ago, I still won’t see that piece of crap. I loved the original series and if Robert Englund isn’t Freddy Krueger I refuse to see it. Plus I hate the look and sound of the new Freddy.
I really wish that Michael Bay’s stupid production company Platinum Dooms, I mean Dunes, would stop remaking horror classics and try to come up with original ones. I saw their remake of Friday the 13th and I thought it was no where as good as the original series including Jason X. In fact I found myself extremely bored with it and thought it sucked balls.
So in short guess where I won’t be on April 30th…seeing that movie.

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